Fetch Data and Create Contents
Without Programming

# Introduction

ToteBee let you create Data-Driven contents simply without programming. It runs on browsers, fetches CSV/JSON data, and renders them on the page.

# Motivation

When we create a web page with some data sets, it is not always necessary to use server side technorogy or a database. In some cases, it would be nice to complete in 5 minutes without programming.

# Features

  • No-Programming : Just add some HTML tag attributes.
  • No-Server : ToteBee works on browsers.
  • Data-Driven : Runs with JSON or CSV file.
  • 100% Pure JavaScript : Compatible with any other framework.
  • Fast : The minified script size is only 6 KB.

# Home Page


# Demos


# Getting Started

Samle file structure:

└── public
├── css
│   └── totebee.css
├── data
│   ├── inventors.csv
│   └── inventors.json
├── js
│   └── totebee.1.0.min.js
└── hello.html

# Download

  1. Download the JS file from GitHub.
  2. Place the JS file totebee.1.0.min.js into your project diretory such as /public/js/.
  3. Add a <script> tag to your <head> in hello.html:
  4. If you prefer the same style as the demo page, also add a <link> for totebee.css.
  <title>Hello ToteBee</title>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/totebee.1.0.min.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/totebee.css" type="text/css">

# Making the data file

ToteBee supports CSV and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. If you are familiar with JSON format, we recommend using it. JSON files are processed faster than CSV and are often more robust.

Sample Data:

id name year img
101 Thomas Edison 1847-1931 /img/edison.png
102 Graham Bell 1847-1922 /img/bell.png
103 Nicola Tesla 1856-1943 /img/tesla.png


101,Thomas Edison,1847-1931,/img/edison.png
102,Graham Bell,1847-1922,/img/bell.png
103,Nicola Tesla,1856-1943,/img/tesla.png

Make sure that the first line defines the column names id,name,year,img.

If the file contains multi-byte characters, select CSV UTF-8 (comma separated) in Excel.


CSV can be converted into JSON online:

"id": "101",
"name": "Thomas Edison",
"year": "1847-1931",
"img": "/img/edison.png"
"id": "102",
"name": "Alexander Graham Bell",
"year": "1847-1922",
"img": "/img/bell.png"
"id": "103",
"name": "Nikola Tesla",
"year": "1856-1943",
"img": "/img/tesla.png"

Please make sure that your JSON file starts with [ , and ends with ] .

Trailing commas (sometimes called "final commas") are not supported. As you can see below, there is no comma after "value3", "value6", "value9", and the last }.

    "key3":"value3"  <-- No comma
    "key3":"value6"  <-- No comma
    "key3":"value9"  <-- No comma
}  <-- No comma

# Uploading the data file

Upload the data file to your site before proceeding to the next step. In a browser, enter the URL of the data file and verify that the file can be downloaded from the server.



# Showing a List


The minimal sample of HTML is here:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/totebee.css" type="text/css">
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/totebee.1.0.min.js"></script>
<ul data-x="list" data-format="csv" data-src='/data/inventors.csv'>
<li data-x="item">
     <img data-src="{img}">
# Specifing the data source

Add a <ul> tag with some data attributes:

<ul data-x="list" 
attribute value meaning
data-x list Binding ToteBee List
data-format csv | json Data Format
data-src /data/inventors.csv Path to your data

# Defining the template

Next, put the <li> tag as a template that iterates over the data. As you can see, each column name is wrapped with curly brackets { and }.

 <li data-x="item">
     <a href="inventor.html?id={id}">
     <img data-src="{img}">
attribute value meaning
data-x item template that iterates over the data
data-src {column} Specify the image path or URL

When using <img> tag, use data-src attribute instead of src.


     <img src="{img}">


     <img data-src="{img}">

ToteBee replaces the data-src="{img} to src="/img/edison.png". If you write src='{img}', browsers try to download {img} before ToteBee replaces the string.

# Usage

# List

List is the most basic pattern of ToteBee. It fetches the CSV/JSON data, and render them with the template.

attribute value meaning
data-x list Binding ToteBee List
data-format csv | json Data Format
data-src /data/inventors.csv Path to your data


<ul data-x="list" data-format="csv" data-src='data/inventors.csv'>
<!-- totebee item template -->
<li data-x="item">
    <a href="inventor.html?id={id}">
        <img data-src="{img}">

CSV Data

101,Thomas Edison,1847-1931,/img/edison.png
102,Graham Bell,1847-1922,/img/bell.png
103,Nicola Tesla,1856-1943,/img/tesla.png

(OR) JSON Data

    "id": "101",
    "name": "Thomas Edison",
    "year": "1847-1931",
    "img": "/img/edison.png"
    "id": "102",
    "name": "Alexander Graham Bell",
    "year": "1847-1922",
    "img": "/img/bell.png"
    "id": "103",
    "name": "Nikola Tesla",
    "year": "1856-1943",
    "img": "/img/tesla.png"

# Table

The list pattern shown above can be apllied to the <tr> tag iteration in a <table> block.

This pattern can be used in various cases where repetition occurs in data records.

ID Image Name Description Link to
Static Page
{id} {name} {description} inventor.html?id={id}

        <th class="hide_small">Description</th>
        <th class="hide_small">Link to<br>Static Page</th>
<!-- totebee contents folder -->
<tbody data-x="list" data-format="json" data-src="/data/inventors.json">
    <!-- totebee item template -->
    <tr data-x="item">
        <td><img data-src="{img}"></td>
        <td><a href="inventor.html?id={id}">{name}</a></td>
        <td class="hide_small">{description}</td>
        <td class="hide_small"><a href="inventor.html?id={id}">inventor.html?id={id}</a></td>
attribute value meaning
data-x list Binding ToteBee List
data-format csv | json Data Format
data-src /data/inventors.csv Path to your data

# URL Parameters

Parameters can be passed through the URL without using server side technology.

<a href="inventor.html?id=101">inventor.html?id=101</a>
<a href="inventor.html?id=102">inventor.html?id=102</a>
<a href="inventor.html?id=103">inventor.html?id=103</a>

If you are new to passing URL parameters, the following pages will help.

Operators The question mark, ampersand, and equals sign are operators used in the syntax of query strings/URL variables.

sign meaning
? The question mark identifies the beginning of the query string and must be placed at the end of the link, before the contents of the query string.
& The ampersand is used before each subsequent variable/value pair in the query string.
= The equals sign separates the variable from the value assigned to that variable

# Record Filter

Record filter is used with the "List" pattern to extract only those records that fulfill a specified condition. The condition is specified widh data-filter attribute of list block:


Other than =, &lt;,&lt;=,&gt;,and &gt;= are also supported.


<ul data-x="list" data-format="csv" 
<li data-x="item">
    <a href="inventor.html?id={id}">
        <img data-src="{img}">

# If Statement

An If-Statement is used with List patern and show a specific HTML block when a record fulfill a specified condition.

<div data-x="if" data-condition="id=101">
    This area will show when the record id is 101. 
<ul data-x="list" data-format="csv" data-src="/data/inventors.csv">

  <li data-x="item">

<a href="inventor.html?id={id}">
  <img data-src="{img}">
  <div class="fixed-height-30">

    <!-- show block if id is 101 -->
    <div data-x="if" data-condition="id=101">
      <div class="highlight">Foo</div>

    <!-- show block if id is 102 -->
    <div data-x="if" data-condition="id=102">
      <div class="highlight">Bar</div>


Please note that if block is placed inside the item block:

<li data-x="item">
    <div data-x="if" data-condition="id=101">

# Using If Statement with Filter

"If Statement" can be used with a "Filter":

<!-- show items where id <= 105 -->
<ul data-x="list" data-format="csv" 

<li data-x="item">
    <!-- show block if id is 103 -->
    <div data-x="if" data-condition="id=103">
      -- Foo --


  • 101
  • 102
  • 103
    -- Foo --
  • 104
  • 105

# Pagenation

Pagination is automatically added by assigning the pagesize, the number of items displayed in one page.


In this example 3 items are displayed in one page.

<ul data-x="list" data-format="csv" data-pagesize='3' data-src="/data/inventors3.csv">
<!-- totebee item template -->
<li data-x="item">
    <a href="inventor.html?id={id}">
        <img data-src="{img}">

# Customizing the design

The pagination tags are added behind the list as follows:

<ul class='pagenation'>
<li class='btn_currpage'>1</li>
tag class meaning
ul pagenation list for pagenation
li btn_currpage current page number

# Sort

Items displayed in the list can be sorted in a specific order using a sort key by adding a data-sortkey attribute.

<ul id="mylist" data-x="list" data-format="csv" 
    data-sortkey="id" data-src="/data/inventors3.csv">

attribute value default value meaning
data-sortkey column name none the column name used as sort key
data-sortkeyType string | number | date string data type of the sortkey
data-sortOrder asc|desc asc ascending or descending order

data-sortkeyType is used when comparing the variables.

When the data set is "1", "2", "3", "10", "12", "20", If data-sortkeyType is string, the result will be:


The above result is similar to a book index.

If the data-sortkeyType is number, the result will be:


# Sort tabs

You can also create sort tabs with data-x="reload" attribute:

Sort tabs and the list are binded with id=" " attribute of the list. In the example below, data-targetid="mylist" specifies the taegert list which has id="mylist".

Sort Key :
<span data-x="reload" data-targetid="mylist" data-sortkey="id" class='active'>ID</span>
<span data-x="reload" data-targetid="mylist" data-sortkey="name">Name</span>
<span data-x="reload" data-targetid="mylist" data-sortkey="year">Birth Year</span>
<ul id="mylist" data-x="list" data-format="csv" data-sortkey="id" 
    data-pagesize='6' data-src="/data/inventors3.csv">

Sort Key : ID Name Birth Year
<div class='content-ctrl-box'>
     <span class="label-sortkey">Sort Key :</span>
     <span data-x="reload" data-targetid="mylist" data-sortkey="id" class='active'>ID</span>
     <span data-x="reload" data-targetid="mylist" data-sortkey="name">Name</span>
     <span data-x="reload" data-targetid="mylist" data-sortkey="year">Birth Year</span>
<ul id="mylist" data-x="list" data-format="csv" 
    <li data-x="item">
        <a href="inventor.html?id={id}">
            <img data-src="{img}">

# Schedule

You can schedule a content block to go public at a specific date and time.

attribute example value meaning
data-start "2019-01-01 00:00" the date to start showing
data-end "2019-01-01 00:00" the date to end showing

data-start is used to specify the date to start showing the block:

<div data-x="schedule" data-start="2020-12-25 00:00" >
This block will be displayed after 2020-12-25 00:00

data-end is used to specify the date to end showing the block:

<div data-x="schedule" data-end="2020-12-25 00:00" >
This block will be displayed until 2020-12-25 00:00

Both data-start and data-end can be used on the same block.

Example Code:

<div data-x="schedule" data-start="2019-01-01 00:00" data-end="2019-12-31 23:59">
This block goes public on 2019.
<div data-x="schedule" data-start="2020-01-01 00:00" data-end="2020-12-31 23:59">
This block goes public on 2020.
<div data-x="schedule" data-start="2021-01-01 00:00" data-end="2021-12-31 23:59">
This block goes public on 2021.

Example Result:

This block goes public on 2019.
This block goes public on 2020.
This block goes public on 2021.

# Deploying


Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)

Wikipedia : Cross-origin resource sharing

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows restricted resources on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the first resource was served.

Mediun : Understanding CORS

CORS is a mechanism which aims to allow requests made on behalf of you and at the same time block some requests made by rogue JS and is triggered whenever you are making an HTTP request to:

  • a different domain (eg. site at example.com calls api.com)
  • a different sub domain (eg. site at example.com calls api.example.com)
  • a different port (eg. site at example.com calls example.com:3001)
  • a different protocol (eg. site at https://example.com calls http://example.com)

# Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

# License

Copyright (c) 2020 Naoki Ota
Licensed under the MIT license.